Abu Simbel Temple

Abu simbel Temple situated near Egypt’s southern borders with Sudan, 280 km south of Aswan, the Temples of Abu Simbel are amongst the most interesting of all Pharaonic temples, There are two temples cut into the rock dating back to king Ramses II, one is for Ramses and the other for Nefertari.
The first Temple Ramses II Temple was built by King Ramses II and is dedicated to the God Re-Hor-Akhty, Amon Ptah, and King Ramses II as a deified King, Its facade is 35m. long and 30m high, The facade has four seated colossi of the King, each one is 20m tall and represents the King seated on his throne wearing the double crown, accompanied by 3 small figures of his wives, daughters and sons flanking his legs, Near to the summit of the facade there are number of baboons and above the entrance stands the figure of Re-Hor-Akhty.
The Temple of Queen Nefertari is located 120m. from the Temple of Ramses II and was also built by Ramses II, dedicated to the Goddess Hathor and to his wife Queen Nefertari, Queen Nefertari was the principal and the most beloved wife of King Ramses II, It is also a rock-cut Temple with a facade of about 28m. long and 12m. high, which contains 6 standing colossi, each one being about 11m. in height, Four of them represent Ramses II and the other two represent Queen Nefertari, each accompanied by two smaller figures of their children,
Beguile your eyes with The superb scenery from this place, Imagine yourself in the middle of the desert and at the shores of Lake Nasser, The temples got world fame when an international UNESCO operation was needed to save them from the rising water of Lake Nasser, The bright colors in the carvings are essentially intact.