Edfu Temple

Edfu Temple located in Edfu City, which played a major role in Aswan History, Edfu located 60 km south of Aswan. It was a flourishing city in ancient times and the center of the cult of triad of Gods, including the infamous Horus and Hathor, Edfu was known as "Apollopolis Magna" because the Greeks identified Horus with their god Apollo.
The temple of Edfu dates back to the Ptolemaic period, its inscriptions were completed over a period of 180 years, This glorious temple includes a Nilometer and a chapel dedicated to the Goddess Nut, Various walls depict scenes of wars, the ritual foundation of the temple, and the divine marriage of Hathor and Horus of Behdet.
The superb Edfu Temple consists of traditional elements of Egyptian Temples of the New Kingdom, together with a few Greek elements, such as the mamisi (house of divine birth), which is situated to the west of the main entrance of the Temple, It consists of an entrance, a court, and chapel. The walls of the mamisi are decorated with scenes showing the story of the divine birth of Horus the child, in the presence of the goddess Hathor, the god Khenoum and other deities who were concerned with pregnancy and birth.
This temple has one of the best surviving pylons among temples in Egypt today. It is 37m. high and decorated with battle scenes, representing King Ptolemy VIII smiting his enemies before the god Horus, also there is an earlier and smaller pylon of Ramesses II which sits in a 90 degree angle to the current building, The main building which includes a great Hypostyle Hall was uncovered by Mariette in the 1860s.There are numerous reliefs including a depiction of the Feast of the Beautiful Meeting, the annual reunion between Horus and his wife Hathor. The reliefs are mostly situated inside the first pylon, and spiritually connect this temple with Hathors Temple at the Dendera complex.