El Minia

El Minia is a governorate in Upper Egypt, called the (Bride of Upper Egypt) A provincial capital, its broad tree-lined streets, wide corniche and some great buildings make it one of the most pleasant town centres in Upper Egypt.
El Minia stretches for around 135 kilometers on both banks of the Nile at 18 kilometers wide from the east to the west, The size of the city is approximately 32,000km and its population is around 4 million.
Its name has been driven from the ancient Egyptian language as it used to be called Men`et Khufu which means the nurse of Khufu and then it was developed to be Mouni which means the house and later on it became El-Minia.
El Minia has many historical sites and monuments that go back to different eras from the Pharaonic era to modern times, Al Minya was the capital of Egypt in (1373 – 1390) BC when Ikhnaton and his beautiful queen Nefertiti lived there in the small village of Tel El Amarna in Malawi which was the center of the worship of God Aten, This was the first time in Egyptian history when the Egyptians worshiped one god, changing the religion that encouraged worshiping many gods especially the famous god Amun.
The governorate El-Minia is considered one of Egypt’s agricultural governorates, with around 452,000 acres of agricultural lands, representing around 6.5 percent of Egypt’s total agricultural lands. The most important crops are cotton, wheat, corn, potatoes, and sugar cane.
You will be able to find different attractions in El-Minia City such as Tell el Amarna tombs, It was built by King Akhnaton and Benni Hassan Tombs, as well you will find monuments from the roman period Such as tomb and chapel of Petosiris in Tuna El gebel and a lot more.