Lake Nasser

Dazzling Lake Nasser is a vast lake, located in southern egypt and northern sudan, formed by the high dam after 1971, is 298 miles long and 10 miles wide, with a water capacity of 130 million acre-feet, of which 24 million acre-feet and 73 million acre-feet as live storage.
The name of lake Nasser was taken from our late president Gamal Abdel Nasser, who ruled Egypt from 1954 till 1971. The southern third of the lake is in Sudan and is called Lake Nubia. The lake is 312 miles (480 kilometers) long and covers an area of 2026 square miles (5,248 km2). It has a maximum depth of 426.5 ft (130 m) but its mean depth is 82.6 ft (25.2 m). The Egyptian portion is 202 miles (324 km) long and has a shoreline of 4,875 miles (7,844 km). Part of the Lake Nasser area was covering the temple of Abu Simbel, built by Ramses II around 1200 B.C. The temple was moved but other sites of historical significance was submerged. Thirty-two species of fish as well as Nile River crocodiles were found in the lake this plus 80,000 tons of fish a year are collected.
Cruising Lake Nasser is one of the best ways to enjoy the beauty, and a great way to relax and discover the sights of the ancient Pharaohs, From the decks of a felucca a traditional wooden sailing boat, or a luxury boat you can see many temples along the way on the shores of Lake Nasser, there is a wonderful site of the Great Temples of Abu Simbel for Ramses II, and the small temple of Abu Simbel for Nefertari.