Nuweiba Egypt

Nuweiba is located in a unique place between Dahab to the south and from Taba, which is 85 kilometers north, Nuweiba is a quiet and peaceful resort located on a large sandy flood plain, sandwiched between the towering mountains of Sinai, Egypt and the clear deep blue sea of the Gulf of Aqaba at the Red Sea.
Nuweiba has retained its charm, its friendliness and serenity with beautiful sandy beaches, lined by date palm trees, overlooking the sparkling clear, coral filled seas,Enjoy views of the mountains of Saudi Arabia behind the Gulf of Aqaba, the picturesque Sinai Mountains, the endless white sandy spaces and stunning diving spots This is the nature on the Red Sea coast in Egypt.
Nuweiba has an area that is around 5,097 kilometers and also contains a lot of tourist attractions such as hotels, restaurants, and diving centers. These have made the town an important tourist destination that is much cheaper than other resorts in Sinai like Sharm El Sheikh or Taba, Nuweiba is also different than any other city in Sinai because of the Bediouns that are still living in the city. This gives it a unique atmosphere because of the special habits and lives of the Sinai Bedouins. Major activities for tourists and Egyptians in Nuweiba are diving, snorkeling, going on safari trips, or chilling out on the beautiful beaches. Whether you are a professional diver or a beginner, you will find a suitable diving spot in Nuweiba and instructors to show you how to dive. The city is also famous for its exceptional coral reefs that you can never find anywhere else around the world. Individual and group divers can enjoy their favorite sport with four equipped diving centers in Nuweiba.