Port Said Attractions

Port Said is an Egyptian city at the northern end of Suez Canal,This coastal city resides on the shores of the Mediterranean Sea at the entrance of the Suez Canal in the North.
The surface area of Port Said is around 1350 square kilometers with a population that is estimated to be around 700,000 inhabitants. The city has six main neighborhoods with El Arab, Ganoub, El Zohour, and El Shareq being the most important.
Port Said hosts some remarkable monuments and sites which include the Port of the city, Port Said considered the second largest port in Egypt and one of the most important in the country due to its significant location at the Northern entrance to the Suez Canal.
The Name of Port Said is derived from two words, the word "Port" and the name of the ruler of Egypt at the time the city was first established, the Khedive Said.
unparalleled port Said flourished during the nineteenth and the first half of the twentieth century when it was inhabited by various nationalities and religions most of them were from Mediterranean countries, they coexist in tolerance forming a real cosmopolitan community, port Said has always played an important role in the history of the city and the whole region as it is located in the intersection of the trading routes between the East and the West.