Siwa Oasis

The Siwa Oasis is an urban oasis in Egypt between the Qattara Depression and the Great Sand Sea in the Western Desert, nearly 50 km east of the Libyan border, and 560 km from Cairo, Siwa is 18 meters below sea level and contains six lakes, 200 springs, 1200 water wells and 20,000 acres of fertile cultivated land, The main city in the oasis is the city of Siwa which has more than 8000 people.
One of the main attraction in Siwa Oasis is the ruins of the old town known as Shali, There are also the remains of the Temple of Amun, which is the headquarters of one of the most famous fortune teller of the ancient world, visited by Alexander the Great in 333 BC, where the priests appointed him as the son of god Amun.
you will be excited by watching the charming nature of its mineral springs, Olive groves and Palma, It is also reported that the most ancient human footsteps in history going back to 3 million years were discovered in Siwa in 2007.