Travel to Egypt during the Christmas
Travel to Egypt during the Christmas
Christmas Tours in Egypt 2023 Plan Egypt Tours is offering Christmas Egypt Holidays where you will have the opportunity to visit all the famous Cairo landmarks such as the Giza Pyramids, Sphinx, Egyptian Museum, Sakkara Pyramid, and more. Discover the rich history of Egypt by visiting its capital Cairo, which is regarded as one of the greatest cities in the world with its magnificent attractions.
- Christmas Egypt Tours, Pyramids were still being constructed by the ancient Egyptians during the Middle Kingdom and the Old Kingdom as tombs for the pharaohs and queens.
- There have reportedly been more than 80 pyramids erected in Egypt, but the Great Pyramids of Khufu Pharaoh, which are located in Giza, are the biggest and best preserved.
- It took 20 years to construct and was completed in the year 2530 BC. When Egypt was the world's most powerful and wealthy nation, the Great Pyramids were constructed nearby.
- The Great Sphinx stands to watch over the Giza Pyramids, particularly the Pyramid of Khafra. The Sphinx depicts a lion-human hybrid face.
- The oldest and largest monolithic sculpture is this one. In BC 2550, it was erected. On the Giza Plateau on the west bank of the Nile sits a limestone statue known as the Sphinx. It is a representation of a mythical monster with a lion's body and a human head of a god.
With our Christmas in Cairo tour, enjoy a distinctive vacation and see the city's top sights. Our tour is your entry point to learning about the history of the Giza Pyramids in Cairo. You will also get the chance to experience the allure of Egypt while sailing on one of our upscale Nile Cruises from Luxor to Aswan, passing via Edfu and Kom Ombo.
The majority of ancient civilization monuments are located along rivers, allowing visitors to sail the Nile while learning about Egyptian history. The Christmas in Egypt cruise will allow you to experience Egypt as the Kings and Queens did thousands of years ago.
Christmas Egypt Holidays, The cruise will make several cities and locations stops. Aswan serves as the ideal illustration because it is the southernmost city and served as an important trading hub for unusual products between Africa and India.
Abu simbel Temple situated near Egypt’s southern borders with Sudan, 280 km south of Aswan, the Temples of Abu Simbel are amongst the most interesting of all Pharaonic temples, There are two temples cut into the rock dating back to king Ramses II, one is for Ramses and the other for Nefertari.
The first Temple Ramses II Temple was built by King Ramses II and is dedicated to the God Re-Hor-Akhty, Amon Ptah, and King Ramses II as a deified King, Its facade is 35m. long and 30m high, The facade has four seated colossi of the King, each one is 20m tall and represents the King seated on his throne wearing the double crown, accompanied by 3 small figures of his wives, daughters and sons flanking his legs, Near to the summit of the facade there are number of baboons and above the entrance stands the figure of Re-Hor-Akhty.
Luxor is another Egyptian-related city, and the discovery of King Tutankhamen's tomb has made it the ideal location to fully appreciate the country's extensive past.
Luxor City Located in Upper Egypt, has been described as the world’s biggest open-air museum, Luxor contains about a third of the most valuable monuments and antiquities in the whole world, which makes it one of the most important tourist sites. Luxor Monuments such as The Luxor Temple, Karnak Temple, Valley of the Kings, Valley of the Queens, El Deir El-Bahri (the Mortuary Temple of Hatshepsut), the worker's village at Deir El-Medina.
Karnak Temple is one of the largest temple complexes in the world. This magnificent Temple has incredibly rich architectural and it was covering about 200 acres (1.5 km by 0.8 km), and was a place of pilgrimage for nearly 2,000 years, was dedicated to the Theban triad of Amun, Mut, and Khonsu.
This great Temple of Amon Ra was known during the Middle Kingdom period as Ipt-Swt, which means the Selected Spot. It was also called Pr-Imn, or the House of Amon. The name Al-Karnak in Arabic was derived from Karnak, which means fortified village.
Luxor Temple is the most stunning temple in Egypt, It is strongly believed by historians that before the New Kingdom Period, The temple was consecrated to Amun in his form as a fertility god and was used during the annual Opet Festival of royal renewal.
Luxor Temple located on the east bank of the River Nile in Luxor (or Teba as it was called in the past), it was known as the southern shrine, Luxor Temple famous with its soaring columns, chapels, The primary structure was built during the reigns of Amenhotep III and Ramesses II, (the outer part) but most structures and monuments of the ancient world, it was added to and developed by later rulers.
- Christmas in Egypt and Nile Cruise
- Christmas Egypt Holidays
- Egypt and Christmas Nile Cruise
- Nile Cruise Tours in Christmas
- Egypt Christmas Tours
- Egypt and Jordan Christmas Tours
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