Luxor Valley of the Kings
Plan Egypt tours (Maestro online travel) explain for you what is the Valley of the kings:
The valley of the Kings is one of the most attractive sites you can visit in your (Egypt Nile cruises, Luxor Excursions, Luxor tours, Egypt travel packages)
The Valley of the Kings lies in a northern ravine of the limestone hills of deep Qurna, northwest of Deir-El-Bahri, and is known today as Wadi Biban el-Moluk. The valley is sacred to the local goddess Mertseger (she who loves silence) and to Hathor. The valley is surrounded by high cliffs, dominated by a natural pyramid-shaped peak. The kings found that the pyramids and the protection built into their ancestor's tombs failed to safeguard their ancestors' bodies or funerary objects which were The kings desperately wanted to hide their tombs away from grave robbers. Thutmosis I was the first king his burial; his successors important for the next life. to choose this local for following his lead, having their tombs dug in this extraordinary valley. This cemetery contains sixty two although not all of them tombs, royal. In fact their valleys in the western hills that make up the Theban Necropolis for royal burials: the are are two East and the West Valleys
The walls of the tombs are. decorated with mysterious guide scenes describing the journey of to the underworld. The sun god through the earth and heavens. The deceased king is shown as the companion god, sailing through the Underworld at or embodiment of the Sun night in a boat. From the time of Ramses II the solar disc of Re II ram-headed the containing god and beetle are seen. These symbolize the sun god in the evening and morning, flanked by images of the king followed by Isis and Nephtys, the scene is placed on the entrance
- Ahmose I: Ruled from 1575 to 1550; fought to liberate Egpt from the Heksos when he continued the war after his brother Kamose.
- Amenhotep 1: Ruled from 1550 to 1528; he and his mother Ahmes-Nefertari Amenhotep I were later regarded as the patron saints of the Necropolis of 23 Thebes.
- Thutmosis 1: Ruled from 1528 to 1510; he was the first pharaoh to construct a rock-cut tomb in the Valley of the Kings.
- ThutmosisII: Ruled from 1510 to 1490; married Hatshepsut to keep the crown within the royal Family.
- Hatshepsut: Ruled from 1490 to 1483; she also ruled jointly with Thutmosis III
- Thutmosis III: Ruled from 1490 to1436; 2 years of his region were under the tutelage of Hatshepsut, then has asserted his sole rule and created an Egyptian empire extending from Syria and Asia to Nubia.
- Amenhotep II: Ruled from 1436 to1413 and followed the policies of his father.
- Thutmosis IV: Ruled from 1413 to1405; and dreamed while he was resting in the shade of the Giza sphinx that he would be made king if he released the statue from the sand.
- Amenhotep III: Ruled from 1405 to 1367 b.c; was called Memnon by the Greeks and built magnificent temples in Luxor, Karnak and mortuary temples with colossal statues (colossi of Memnon) on the west Bank. Thebes reached the peak of its glory during his reign.
- Amenhotep IV: Known as Akhenaton, he ruled from 1367 to 1350. His wife was Nefertiti. He started a religious revolution focused on the worship ofa single deity (the Aten) and transferred the capital to Tal el-Amarna.
Tutankhamun: Ruled from 1347 to1339, restored the worship of Amun. - Hands down you will be tickled pink by the uniqueness of tutankhamun's tomb discovery. such a pure gold experience in Luxor. let's quench your thirst and show you this historical piece of art.
- Aye: Aye Ruled from 1339 to1335 and married the by- king's widow
- Horemheb: Ruled from 1335 to 1309 B.C. He was a general under Amenhotep IV and his successors, took the throne despite his non-royal lineage. He restored peace and was an excellent administrator.
- Ramses I: Ruled from 1309 to 1308 and transferred the capital to the Delta.
- Seti I: Ruled from 1308to 1291 B.C., fought the Libyans, Syrians and Hittites who threatened Egyptian possessions in Syria and Palestine.
- Ramses II: Ruled from 1290 to 1224 B.C., fought against the Hittites with whom he signed the world's first peace treaty. He was a great builder and undertook many public works. His mummy is in the Cairo museum.
- Merenptah: Ruled from 1225to 1215 B.C. , fought against the Libyans, the peoples of the Mediterranean and against the Ethiopians.
- Siptah: Ruled from 1224to 1214 B.C.
- Seti II: Ruled from 1214to 1208B.C.during the 19th Dynasty Egypt recovered her strength under Seti I and Ramses II and regained her position as a great power in the Middle East.
- Amenmes: Menmire Amenmes (1202-1199 B.C. ) PROBABLY REGNED EITHER BEFORE AFTER Seti II. He was a member of the royal family, perhaps a prince and viceroy of Nubia.
During the 20th Dynasty Egypt become the target of foreign invasions as tribes in Asia moved across continents searching for new homes and the Sea peoples fought battles to stay in Egypt.
- Setnakht: Ruled for one year after five year reign of a Syrian super called pay
- Ramses III: Ruled from 1198 to 1167 B.C. The last warrior in this dynasty, he conquered the Libyans and repelled invaders.
- Ramses IV: Ruled from 1167 to 1161 B.C. He sent a great expedition to the quarries of the Wadi Hammamat, his name was the last in the mines of Sinai and he erected the rear chambers and the small hypostyle hall of Khonsu temple at Thebes.
- Ramses V to Ramses XI : XI During this period, a High priest of Amun under Ramses XI called Amenhotep succeeded in making his post a heredity position and having the revenues forme pharaoh redirected into the treasury of Amun. The royal tombs were looted and the state came more and more under the control of the priesthood, culminating in coup when a High priest of Amun called Herihor, seized the throne for short time.
- Ramses V: Ruled from 1161 to 1157 B.C
- Ramses VI, VII. VIII: Ruled from 1157 to 1142 B.C.
- Ramses IX :Ruled from 1142 to 1123 B.C.
- Ramses X: Ruled from 1123 to 1118 B.C
- Ramses XI: Ruled from 1118 to 1090 B.C.
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