The Travel list to Egypt Budget Tours
If you have sufficient time to spend your vacation, So Egypt will be one of the most attractive places ever to spend there your vacation.
Are you wanted to achieve your dream to visit the oldest country and civilization in the whole planet, Enjoy visiting the outstanding attractions in Cairo and discover Egypt Budget Tours
Explore the best Pyramids and Saqqara Tours, where you will visit The Giza Pyramids which you will see the Three Pyramids and take a memorable photos to be with you everywhere, also you can visit Saqqara, if you don't know anything about it you can book Egypt Cheap Holidays with Plan Egypt Tours and you will know more about The Egyptian historical places, don't be hesitate and reserve Cheap Egypt Tours.
Budget Egypt holidays, Cairo combines a rich collection of ancient monuments that have survived along the years from the different eras. Discover Sakkara.
Saqqara Or Sakkara is a desolate desert located west of the Nile 9 miles (14 km) south of Cairo, saqqara complex containd pyramid of djoser, Pharaohs buildings, columns and shrines, Mastaba of Mereruka, Pyramid texts of Unas, The purpose off saqqara complex is to facilitate a successful afterlife for the king so that he could be eternally reborn.
Step Pyramid or (pyramid of djoser) consecrated to king djoser, built by architect Imhotep, during third dynasty in Sakkara which was the cemetery for Memphis, Djoser's complex is the first stone building in Egypt whose architect is known with the name of Imhotep, The entrance to Sakkara has a large scale stone wall surrounds the complex.
Enclosure wall of Djoser complex is consists of light Tura limestone 10.5m height, contains distinctive paneled construction known as the palace façade,
Imhotep decided to build an enormous mastaba of stone, then built another mastaba on top of the first, then another on top of the second, he continued this process until he had enlarged the structure into the world’s first pyramid. It is called now “step pyramid,” consisting of six terraces.
Sightseeing Trips such as Giza Pyramids in Cairo and East Bank Tour in Luxor
Looking for things to do in Egypt? Explore the must-dos and Egypt attractions and easily book Egypt tours and experiences you'll never forget.
With our The Highlighted of Egypt attractions, you will take the chance to discover The Pyrmaids, The Karnak Temple, Abu Simbel temple, The Valley of Kings, The Red Sea, Sharm El Sheikh and more
Find the best deals to spend your vacation and experience our The Highlighted of Egypt attractions where you will visit the historical city of Cairo with its outstanding sightseeing, then take a fancy Nile Cruise and revel the captivating atmosphere and the mind resisting landmarks located between Aswan and Luxor.
Abu simbel Temple situated near Egypt’s southern borders with Sudan, 280 km south of Aswan, the Temples of Abu Simbel are amongst the most interesting of all Pharaonic temples, There are two temples cut into the rock dating back to king Ramses II, one is for Ramses and the other for Nefertari.
The first Temple Ramses II Temple was built by King Ramses II and is dedicated to the God Re-Hor-Akhty, Amon Ptah, and King Ramses II as a deified King, Its facade is 35m. long and 30m high, The facade has four seated colossi of the King, each one is 20m tall and represents the King seated on his throne wearing the double crown, accompanied by 3 small figures of his wives, daughters and sons flanking his legs, Near to the summit of the facade there are number of baboons and above the entrance stands the figure of Re-Hor-Akhty.
Karnak Temple is one of the largest temple complexes in the world. This magnificent Temple has incredibly rich architectural and it was covering about 200 acres (1.5 km by 0.8 km), and was a place of pilgrimage for nearly 2,000 years, was dedicated to the Theban triad of Amun, Mut, and Khonsu.
This great Temple of Amon Ra was known during the Middle Kingdom period as Ipt-Swt, which means the Selected Spot. It was also called Pr-Imn, or the House of Amon. The name Al-Karnak in Arabic was derived from Karnak, which means fortified village.
This superb complex hosting a group of temples and it has been enlarged over a thirteen hundred years period. The three main temples of Mut, Montu and Amun are enclosed by enormous brick walls. The Open Air Museum is located to the north of the first courtyard, across from the Sacred Lake.
The main complex, The Temple of Amun, is situated in the center of the entire complex. The Temple of Monthu is to the north of the Temple of Amun, and next to it, inside of the enclosure wall is the Temple of Ptah, while the Temple of Mut is to the south.
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