planning a trip to Egypt
Are you planning a trip to Egypt? Egypt is a popular destination for many tourists as there’s a lot of history to experience in this magical country.
Cairo, the capital of Egypt and largest urban agglomerations, the world's most densely populated cities, known as the city of a Thousand Minarets, it is known with its superiority of Islamic architecture, established by Jawhar Al Siqilli in Fatimid dynasty in the 10th Century, Meaning “the victorious city”
Personally, I’m a history buff and love traveling to see remnants of the past and earlier cultures. If you’re into modern time traveling like me, then you’ll love Egypt! Conversely, if you’re more into relaxing travel or glamping, there are options for that too!
Best time to visit Egypt, if you are wondering when the best time to visit Egypt is it’s good to know that Egypt has The climate is generally extremely dry all over the country except on the northern Mediterranean coast which receives rainfall in winter.
The best time to visit Egypt is between October and April, when temperatures are cooler, but still pleasantly warm across the country.
Egyptian Food, There are fast food options all around the country, but the local cuisine is wonderful and shouldn’t be turned down. Many people I’ve talked to wouldn’t be up to trying some of the Middle Eastern cuisines.
Book Egypt packages with Plan Egypt Tours and get to know more about the mysterious history of Egypt while visiting the most famous attraction in the entire world; the Giza Pyramids and explore 5000 years of civilization while watching the astonishing artifacts located in the Egyptian Museum.
Egyptian Museum one of our main attraction you should visit it during your trip to Egypt.
The Egyptian museum located in Tahrir Square, houses an unbelievable exhibit over 120,000 artefacts, which depicting ancient Egypt's glorious reign. Mummies, sarcophagus, pottery, jewellery and of course King Tutankhamun's treasures, this vast heritage is revealed in all its unparalleled glory hundreds of magnificent full-color photographs with special lighting techniques.
Egyptian museum founded in the 19th century by the French Egyptologist Auguste Mariette, to halt the plundering of archaeological sites and to arrange the exhibition of the collected artifacts, The Azbakian garden in Cairo was first used as a storage place for these artifacts, a museum was prepared at Boulaq, then transferred to an annex of the Giza palace of Ismail pasha, The present museum was built in 1900, in the neoclassical style by the French architect Marcel Dourgnon
Cairo museum comprises many sections arranged in chronological, also consists of two floors, the ground floor that hosts the heavier displays like coffins, huge statues, and stone carvings, and the sarcophagus of Queen Hetepheres, The upper floor houses small statues, jewels, the legendary treasures of Tutankhamun and a hall for the royal mummies, housing eleven kings and queens, and halls of the mummified animals.
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